NCC Announces Details for 2013 P.I.E. Program Tours

The National Cotton Council (NCC) has set dates and locations for the 2013 Producer Information Exchange (P.I.E.) program, sponsored by Bayer CropScience through a grant to The Cotton Foundation.

The program is now in its 25th year of helping its U.S. cotton producer participants maximize on-farm efficiency.


This season, Mid-South producers will see operations in Georgia and Alabama June 23-28; Southeast producers will spend July 7-12 in Arkansas, Louisiana and Mississippi; Southwest producers will visit California operations July 21-25; and Far West producers will tour Texas August 4-9.

Now entering its 25th year, the P.I.E. program provides cotton producers the opportunity to maximize production efficiency by gaining new perspectives in fundamental practices like land preparation, planting, fertilization, pest control, irrigation and harvesting; and by observing firsthand diverse farming practices and the unique ways in which their innovative peers in other parts of the country have adopted new and existing technology.

Cotton Foundation President Barry Evans, a Kress, TX, cotton producer, said the U.S. cotton industry is very appreciative to Bayer CropScience for underwriting the P.I.E. program.

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“Bayer’s support has enabled hundreds of U.S. cotton producers to compare notes with their peers about what works and doesn’t work, and to see and hear how their fellow cotton producers are dealing with current farming challenges such as managing weed resistance and crop input costs,” Evans said. “The P.I.E. tours enable participants to not only learn from their hosts, but also exchange ideas and information with the producers they travel with during the week.”

The NCC Member Services staff, in conjunction with local producer interest organizations, selects participants and conducts the P.I.E program. Upon completion of this year’s tours, the P.I.E. program will have exposed more than 1,000 U.S. cotton producers to innovative production practices in regions different than their own.