ICAC Unveils World Cotton Calendar

The International Cotton Advisory Committee (ICAC) introduced the World Cotton Calendar during the organization’s 73rd Plenary Meeting, recently held in Thessaloniki, Greece. The information that drives the World Cotton Calendar comes from a database maintained by the ICAC, containing data on all aspects of cotton production field operations – including ginning and picking – from 37 countries. The Calendar contains information on varieties planted and area under each variety, early and mid-season insects, narrow and broadleaf weeds, quantity of fertilizer applied and diseases.

The Calendar also includes up to five important cotton-related activities per month.


Access to the information is free, and the Calendar will be updated on regular basis. To access Calendar data, zoom in on a country and respective region (if cotton is produced in more than one region). Click on the selected blue dot for a list of titles for available data.


Source – International Cotton Advisory Committee

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