Crop Progress Notes for U.S. Cotton – October 21

USDA’s Crop Progress numbers for cotton for the week ending October 20 really tell a story of a crop rushing to completion.

In terms of open bolls, this crop is essentially done. The national average this week shows that open bolls are reported on 93% of U.S. acres – 4% ahead of the 5-year average for this date – with every cotton-producing state now showing ratings between 90 and 100%.


Depending on geography, this crop is more than ready to pick or strip.

Harvest percentage grew 8% in the past week, now showing that 40% of the U.S. crop has been harvested. That’s 5% ahead of the 5-year average. Activity is reported in every cotton state, with state by state harvest percentages ranging from 4% in Kansas up to 81% in Louisiana. Wet weather in the Southeast and Mid-South may slow progress in those areas over the coming week, but favorable forecasts for the High and Northern Plains areas will likely see many growers quickly moving to the field.

Crop condition continues its weekly dance of percentage shifts, with 41% of the US crop rated good/excellent, 36% rated fair and 23% rated poor/very poor.

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