AFCOT Annual Dinner

The annual Association Française Cotonnière (AFCOT) dinner will be held October 9 at the Montreux Casino in Montreux, Switzerland.

Montreux is located on Lake Geneva at the foot of the Alps. It lies on the northeast shore of the lake at the fork in the Roman road from Italy over the Simplon Pass, where the roads to the Roman capital of Aventicum and the road into Gaul through Besançon separated. This made it an important settlement in Roman times.

The dinner typically draws 350 industry members representing more than 40 different countries.

Founded in 1890, the aim of AFCOT is to promote and defend the interests of professionals in the cotton sector. It exists to mobilize companies, directly or indirectly related to that sector, around the modernization of regulations and arbitration.

In addition to organized seminars and discussion forums, the event provides an opportunity for attendees to network and coordinate individual meetings with peers.