ICAC Helping to Extend ‘Natural Fibers’ Promotion Campaign

The member organizations of the IYNF (International Year of Natural Fibers) Steering Committee will continue their co-operation as the DNFI (Discover Natural Fiber Initiative) beyond 2009. The decision to continue working together closely was the result of an IYNF committee review meeting held in Frankfurt in January 2010. DNFI is an alliance of key international natural fiber associations/organizations including Cotton Council International, the International Wool Textile Organization (IWTO), the International Cotton Advisory Committee, the Bremen Cotton Exchange, the International Textile Manufacturers Federation and many others. Henrik Kuffner, Director General of IWTO, was elected committee chair for 2010.

The main intent of the International Year of Natural Fibers 2009 was to raise the awareness and profile of natural fibers, including cotton, and emphasize their value to global consumers and to society while helping to sustain farmer’s incomes. Natural fibers, including cotton, are key economic contributors. The DNFI will build on the achievements of the IYNF 2009 and keep the cooperation between the many different natural fiber organizations going.

Cotton is a natural, renewable and biodegradable resource; cotton is the largest natural fiber in the global fiber, textile and apparel economy, now representing roughly 80 percent of all natural fibers consumed. Cotton represents hundreds of billions of dollars of economic activity and globally employs hundreds of millions of people from field to fabric.