Mosaic, GEOSYS Formalize Field InSite Agreement

The product of more than three years of collaboration between Mosaic, GEOSYS and other agencies, Field InSite is a set of patented products for Variable Rate Nutrient (VRN) application and Yield Potential Mapping (YPM) that combine agronomic expertise with satellite imagery. A third product called SaMZ can be used to derive management zones from satellite imagery. During the 2008 season, fertilizer retailers in the USA and Canada will use Field InSite to manage approximately a half-million acres of crops.
Effective immediately, GEOSYS will become the primary contact for sales and marketing of Field InSite. Additionally, all technical support and help-desk activities will be managed by GEOSYS. Mosaic will continue to offer the technology through their extensive network of fertilizer dealers.
Always concerned with delivering the highest standard of products and services, Mosaic and GEOSYS are enthusiastic about the opportunity this new arrangement will offer both farmers and agricultural product retailers. Using the optimum rate of crop nutrients is not just an agronomically sound practice; it ensures the best economic return to the farmer. Proper crop nutrition also helps reduce losses of fertilizer to the environment and other non-target areas.
For further information or to inquire about becoming a Field InSite dealer, email Mike Kimmerly  (click name for email), or via phone at (763) 557-0092. Or, contact your Mosaic sales representative.