NCC Sets 2023 P.I.E. Program Tour Dates

The National Cotton Council (NCC) has announced tour dates and locations for the 2023 Producer Information Exchange (P.I.E.) Program.

Now in its 35th year, the program has enabled more than 1,200 U.S. cotton producers to visit Cotton Belt regions different than their own to learn about their peers’ innovative production practices.

Sponsored by BASF through a grant to The Cotton Foundation, the P.I.E. program is designed to help U.S. cotton producers maximize production efficiency and improve yields and fiber quality by:

  • Gaining new perspectives in fundamental practices such as land preparation, planting, fertilization, pest control, irrigation and harvesting
  • Observing diverse farming practices and the unique ways in which other resourceful producers have adopted new and existing technology.

Another key program benefit is the interaction that participants have with the producers they visit on the tours and with producers from their own region that they travel with during the week.

During the week of August 13-18, producers from the Southwest and West will see Mid-South farming operations in Arkansas, Louisiana and Mississippi. The second tour, set for August 20-25, will bring Southeast and Mid-South producers to the Southwest to observe farming operations in south Texas.

The NCC’s Member Services staff, in conjunction with local producer interest organizations and BASF, conducts the P.I.E. program, including participant selection.

Information provided by NCC