Post Election Assessment: Low Expectations

We asked you in last month’s reader poll to share your level of optimism about the ag market in the wake of this month’s elections, and most of you are underwhelmed at best, and downright worried at worst. More than 40% of you said you are much more pessimistic, and another 20% somewhat more pessimistic about the market next year based on the election outcome. About one of four expressed increased optimism, while the remaining 15% don’t feel the election outcome will influence the ag market.

As far as I am concerned, I think if the economy can finally bottom out and we get a clear idea where we are, we’ll be able to negotiate whatever comes our way next year with relative success. But, after watching the market plunge 300 points only finish more than 500 on the plus side on Thursday, I wouldn’t go to Vegas and put money down on anything right now.