The Exponential Rise of Biopesticides

Since the first sustainable commercial success stories in the biopesticide market were reported in the 1980s and 1990s, the market has grown exponentially.

Biopesticides are the fastest-growing crop protection market sector, increasing at twice the compound annual growth rate of the crop protection market as a whole. In 2013, biopesticides represented three percent of the global crop protection market and are expected to grow to nearly five percent by 2015.

According to research from DunhamTrimmer, that growth is projected to exceed $3 billion by 2016, with a projected compounded annual growth rate of more than 15 percent. More information – plus a slideshow of some of the latest biopesticide statistics – can be found in an online article from Cotton Grower’s sister publications American Fruit Grower, American Vegetable Grower and Florida Grower.

Real-world solutions and practical experience with biocontrols highlight the agenda for the first-ever Biocontrols 2015 Conference and Tradeshow March 3-5 in Fresno, CA. The event is being organized by Meister Media Worldwide, in conjunction with the Biopesticide Industry Alliance.

Agenda details and registration information for the conference are now available online.