Crop Progress: Cotton Begins to Catch Up

Healthy, on-target increases in squaring and boll set, plus favorable crop conditions, highlight the cotton numbers in USDA’s Crop Progress report dated July 4.

Cotton squaring is now reported in 42% of the U.S. crop – up 10% from a week ago and still slightly behind the 5-year average for early July. The largest weekly increases were reported in Arkansas, Alabama and Mississippi. Six states – Arizona, California, Georgia, Kansas, Missouri and South Carolina – are currently ahead of average.

Boll set reports continue to increase – now up to 11% nationally. That’s just shy of the 5-year average for early July, with five states – Arizona, California, Missouri, Texas and Virginia – running on or above average.

Very little change in crop condition numbers this week, with 52% of the U.S. crop still rated good/excellent, 38% fair, and 10% rated poor/very poor.