Deltapine, Texas Gins Partner to Support FFA

Deltapine and cotton gins across West Texas have teamed up to support the Texas FFA Association in providing educational opportunities for members about the importance of cotton yields and production in Texas.

The program is open to chapters in FFA Area I and Area II in West Texas and includes a video contest for FFA members and a sweepstakes for cotton growers. The prizes awarded in the video contest and sweepstakes combined could result in up to $10,000 of cash donation to West Texas FFA chapters.

“FFA members aren’t just the future of farming, they’re the future of America and Deltapine is proud to support FFA in Texas,” said Dallan Maas, Area Business Manager for Deltapine. “We feel it’s important to educate FFA members on the importance of the cotton industry to Texas. We hope this program will prove to be educationally beneficial for these great West Texas FFA chapters. At Deltapine we’re dedicated to cotton and committed to Texas. We know that the donations to the winning chapters will allow them to continue to grow their knowledge about cotton and other areas of agriculture.”

FFA members in the qualifying areas are encouraged to enter a video in the West Texas Cotton Video Contest for a chance to receive cash donations from West Texas Gins and Deltapine for their chapter. Participating chapters are asked to record their FFA members visiting a participating gin, interviewing farmers or ginners and recording their thoughts throughout the harvest season. The FFA members will also update Deltapine variety performance boards set up in the participating gins on a regular basis through ginning season to experience first hand the excitement of cotton harvest.

“I think getting students into the gin and showing them how the cotton industry works will be of tremendous value to the students. We want them to see and understand the value of high yielding cotton,” said Maas.

Upon completion of the video, students will submit their videos using the contest’s website, Judging will be based upon three factors, FFA members following the rules and being creative, online votes at and the number of Facebook “Likes” the video receives. Within the next few days, the videos will be made available to the public for viewing and voting. Chapters are competing for a total of $7,000 in cash donations.

Cotton growers can get involved and support the FFA by visiting a participating gin, interacting with FFA members and entering the Deltapine West Texas Cotton Grower Sweepstakes. One grand prize winner will receive a $2,000 donation to the FFA chapter of their choice. Two second prize winners will receive $500 donations to the FFA chapter of their choice. While at the gin, farmers will be able to see the yield potential presented by Deltapine cotton varieties through results gathered from other local farmers.