Crop Progress Notes for August 12

As expected, USDA dropped the squaring report for the season in this week’s Crop Progress report, dated August 12, and added our first look at open bolls.

With plenty of heat units reported across the Cotton Belt in the past week, the crop continues to mature quickly.

Boll set is now reported in 77% of the U.S. crop – an 18% jump in the past week and a percentage point ahead of the 5-year average for this date. In all 10 cotton-producing states are now ahead or within 1% of their individual 5-year averages.

Open bolls are reported in 20% of the U.S. crop – a full 10% ahead of the 5-year average for this date. Leading the way are fields in Arizona, Georgia, Louisiana and South Texas.

Overall crop condition shows improvement this week, with percentage point increases in all categories. Fifty-six percent of the crop is rated good/excellent (up 2%), 34% is rated fair (up 1%), and 10% is now rated poor/very poor (up 3%).