Crop Progress Notes for U.S. Cotton – October 7

Optimal weather conditions across most of the U.S. Cotton Belt continued to quickly drive harvest activities, according to USDA’s Crop Progress report for the week ending October 6.

The weekly report showed that open bolls are now reported in 83% of the crop – a 6% increase in the past week and still 8% ahead of the 5-year average for this date. All cotton producing states – except for Kansas – are reporting open bolls in 70% or more of their fields.

Harvest percentage now sits at 25% nationwide – a 9% jump in the past week and 5% ahead of the 5-year average. Eight states showed double digit increases in harvested acres since last week’s report, with nine states ahead of their respective 5-year averages.

Overall, crop condition continues steady with 39% rated good/excellent, 42% fair and 19% poor/very poor.