USDA Planting Intentions: 8.81 Million Acres

All cotton plantings for 2009 are expected to total 8.81 million acres, 7% below last year and the lowest since 1983. Yet, the intentions are nearly 1 million acres higher than expected only 2 months ago. Upland area is expected to total 8.67 million acres, down 7% from last year. Growers intend to decrease planted area in all states except Georgia, Kansas, South Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia. The largest percentage declines are in Arkansas, California, Louisiana and Mississippi. Record low Upland acreage is expected in Louisiana and Mississippi. American-Pima cotton growers intend to plant 143,500 acres, down 18% from 2008. California producers intend to plant 120,000 acres, down 23% from last year.

Corn plantings were predicted to be down 1% from 2008 and soybeans up fractionally.

For the complete report, click here.