Transform Granted Section 18 Exemption for Plant Bugs in NC

Dominic Reisig, NC State Extension entomologist, is reporting that Transform is now approved under a Section 18 emergency exemption for management of tarnished plant bugs in cotton in North Carolina.

The exemption became effective June 15, 2018, and expires on October 30, 2018.

“This timely approval will allow growers more choices to rotate insecticides to slow emerging pyrethroid and organophosphate resistance,” noted Reisig in a recent post on the NC State Cotton webpage.

The active ingredient in Transform is sulfoxaflor (Group 4c).

“This insecticide is very soft on natural enemies and is a good option to manage plant bugs without flaring aphids, bollworms or mites,” said Reisig. “It is also very active on cotton aphids. Finally, it is very toxic to many pollinators, so be sure to follow the labeled use directions to minimize these impacts.”