Irrigation Technology: Where We Are and Where We’re Going

Historic drought conditions placing intense pressure on water resources. An increasing worldwide emphasis on sustainability focusing its gaze directly on agriculture. A changing climate causing growers everywhere to adapt to unfamiliar production conditions. There has never been a more optimal time for the adoption of efficient and innovative technology tools for irrigation.

Weather stations, soil moisture sensors, remote sensing from planes, drones, and satellites — much of the available technology is familiar to growers everywhere at this point. But those tools are just scratching the surface of what’s available, and what soon will be.

While some of the more anticipated developments may still be a few years away from practical use in ag, according to the experts there are a number of technologies available now that are yet to be fully exploited by growers and agriculture in general. I cover this topic in great detail in my article “Irrigation Technology: Where We Are and Where We’re Going.” The article was part of Meister Media Worldwide’s recently released Irrigation Technology Annual Report.

Read the full article here.