Giving Growers Flexibility in Herbicide Selection

Bayer CropScience Trait Development Specialist Gary Henniger spent much of 2010 running a barrage of tests on the new GlyTol varieties. He set out to ensure the GlyTol trait could hold up to varying dosages and formulations of glyphosate-based herbicides. To test the trait, Henniger treated the new GlyTol varieties with differing rates of the 10 most popular brands of generic glyphosate.

“We tested multiple formulations of glyphosate, with multiple applications through the season, even looking at over-label rates per application, testing the integrity of the GlyTol trait to the glyphosate,” Henniger says. “We had no issues as far as plant growth and development, no issues as far as cotton maturity and even better yet, no issues as far as yield or fiber quality from the glyphosate applications to the GlyTol.”

Henniger’s testing demonstrated a popular feature for GlyTol users. The varieties withstood applications from multiple brands of glyphosate, showcasing the flexibility growers will have in choosing their herbicide options. FM 9250GL will offer even more herbicide options to growers, as it is stacked with GlyTol and LibertyLink technology, allowing growers to use glyphosate-based chemistries as well as Bayer CropScience’s glufosinate-based herbicide Ignite.