An Invitation for You

It wasn’t so very long ago that I wrote a column in this space in which I wondered aloud if Mayberry had finally met Star Trek. The point that day was that Cotton Grower had a new website (the one you’re currently reading), and we sure hoped that some of you out there on the farm would check in on it occasionally.

We now know, luckily for us, that thousands of you do check in on each month. In fact, I feel a little foolish for even worrying that cotton farmers wouldn’t be surfing the internet in the first place.

So in keeping with the Star Trek theme, Cotton Grower is going to again boldly go where…a few have gone before. A week from today, Henry and I will play host to Tom Wedegaerdner of Cotton Incorporated and John Robinson of Texas A&M Extension Services in our first ever webinar. You are all cordially invited.

A webinar is, essentially, a meeting. You’ll be able to listen in and watch as industry experts make presentations. Just like in a normal meeting, you’ll be able to interact with the presenters. The only difference is that instead of sitting in a board room, you can do all of this from your home or office.

Our webinar – “Finding Cotton’s True Value and Pricing Opportunities” – will take place on Tuesday, December 15 at 2:00 p.m. CST. All you need to attend is a computer and access to the internet. Find out all the details and register online by following this link.

Mr. Wedegaerdner will be on hand to discuss an often overlooked aspect of your bottom line – the bullish price of cottonseed. Mr. Robinson will discuss some pricing opportunities for the coming season. Henry and I have taken a sneak peek at our two guests’ presentations and we’re sure you won’t regret attending the online event, should you choose to do so.

In case you are unable to attend, the entire presentation will be posted on and archived for future reference.

And for those of you interested in precision technology, be sure to check out “PrecisionAg 2.0” which will provide a glimpse into the future of precision practices. “PrecisionAg 2.0” will be presented by our sister publication on December 14. Those interested should check in at