Cotton Inc. Sets Schedule for Risk Management Seminars

Cotton Incorporated begins its series of Cotton Price Risk Management Seminars on February 10 at the Peabody Hotel in Memphis, TN.

The session – which begins at 8:30 am and concludes at 5:00 pm – will focus on market-based strategies for managing price risk for the 2015 crop season. Instructors will cover a range of topics, including the value of options, hedging strategies based on various price scenarios, and the most current market outlook.

The program includes a keynote presentation on the world cotton situation by Ed Jernigan, president and CEO of Jernigan Global Commodities. O.A. Cleveland, professor emeritus of agricultural economics at Mississippi State University, and Jarral Neeper, president and CEO of Calcot, will lead the market outlook discussion. John Robinson, professor and Extension economist at Texas A&M University, will provide basic instruction on futures options.

Joe O’Neill, former president of the New York Cotton Exchange, will provide additional input and commentary throughout the meeting.

Other seminars will be held at the University of Arizona’s Maricopa Ag Center in Maricopa, AZ on February 24, and at the Overton Hotel in Lubbock, TX on April 8. Speakers for those sessions may vary from the Memphis program.

There is no cost to attend the seminars. However, space is limited, and reservations are required. Lunch will be provided.

To register, contact Lynda Keys at Cotton Incorporated – 919-678-2269 or