Working The Runways

The industry is flooding with speculation about the emerging middle classes of China and India and how this will affect global cotton. The outlook is generally very good; with an increased middle class, demand for cotton will surely climb. This is undoubtedly true, but to what extent the demand continues to rise is really up to industry members and the efficiency with which they sell their product.

On page 16 of this issue, there is a focus on building consumer demand at the retail level and promoting natural, cotton fibers over synthetics. With emerging markets on the near horizon, the importance of securing a dominant place in the world’s fashion industry is very real. Of course cotton will experience a boom from such a population growth; it’s the size of that boom that is still uncertain. Other fiber options are aggressively pushing their way into the market, working hard to create new, more positive consumer perceptions.

The fashion industry may seem like a complete stranger to the cotton industry, and I, too, was a little apprehensive when faced with writing about fashion trends in cotton apparel. Trying to find commonalities and mutual interests between the world of fashion designers and the cotton supply chain seemed to border the ridiculous. I think this is a common reaction from the industry. What effect do we have on fashion?

Yes, there are some apparel items that are going to be unquestionably made from cotton. It is unlikely polyester denim will make it into your blue jeans. Other, new areas of apparel could be open if we can show the versatility, luxury and comfort of cotton to those creating the designs. Cotton is high fashion, or at least it can be, if an innovative and creative mind is behind the design.

Fashion is a unique and powerful business. It is also a very international industry, with “fashion capitals” dotting the entire globe. Almost all apparel is influenced by the looks that appear on the runway, in cut and color and fabric. The decisions of these high level designers trickle down to affect the trends that are seen in even the most common of retail stores. The cotton industry can be helping the fashion world identify consumer needs and provide designers, manufacturers and retailers with marketing insight. Cotton needs to be on the minds of these designers as they set out to develop the next big “look” for the coming seasons.
