Multiple Pre-Emerge Residual Options for Cotton

An apparent shortage of Caparol has some cotton growers scrambling to find alternatives for their pre-emergence residual herbicide program.

Larry Steckel, University of Tennessee Extension weed specialist, says there are other effective options available.


“A good number of calls have come from farmers and retailers on a Plan B now that they cannot get Caparol,” stated Steckel on the UTCrops news blog. “So what are some options now that Caparol is not in the picture? The first thing to consider is potential cotton injury with any pre applied herbicides in cotton. All pre applied herbicides can injure cotton if the environment lines up wrong.”

“My experience would rate from least likely to injure cotton pre to most likely would be Brake FX < Cotoran < Caparol < Diuron < Prowl < Dual Magnum < Warrant <Reflex.”

More input on each product option can be found in Steckel’s blog post.

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