Nichols Receives Distinguished Service Award

Congratulations to Cotton Incorporated’s Dr. Bob Nichols, senior director of Agricultural Research, who was presented the Distinguished Service Award at the Southern Weed Science Society’s annual meeting in Charleston, SC.

Dr. Nichols has worked in plant biology, crop production and pest management for more than 30 years. He has been an active member of the Southern Weed Science Society (SWSS) since 1980, and has formally and informally served the SWSS during that period.


While Chair of the Herbicide Resistant Weeds Committee of the SWSS, he petitioned on behalf of the committee and secured establishment of the group as a permanent Special Committee of the SWSS. Subsequently much of his activity has been directed to development of management programs to sustain the utility of critical herbicide mechanisms of action in agronomic crops.  Dr. Nichols has a B.A. from Yale University and a Master of Science and Doctorate of Agronomy from the University of Connecticut.