Deltapine Continues to Build from Strength

Despite tough growing conditions across parts of the Cotton Belt this season, hope rises eternal as harvest begins and the focus starts to turn to 2023. 

Eric Best, Deltapine Cotton Products Manager, shares that optimism.  

“There’s good product performance in our germplasm across the different regions, and we have some good things coming,” he says. “We have a lot to be excited about.  

“Depending on the region, there’s something in the Deltapine Class of ’21 and Class of ’22 B3XF platforms that’s doing very well,” he states. “That’s probably the best trait platform on the market, both for insect control and weed control. And the traits are in high performing genetics. Our breeding programs focus on these different regions and different needs. Trialing those products tells us which ones to launch and how to best manage them.” 

Best believes the varieties in the Class of ’21 and Class of ’22 are as good or better than some long-standing favorites in the Deltapine portfolio, including DP 1646 B2XF. Those varieties, he says, have set the bar fairly high.  

He recapped several of the company’s top performing varieties for the year:  

  • “In the Southeast, DP 2038 B3XF has set the yield bar high. We’re also getting positive feedback from growers on DP 2127 B3XF and DP 2115 B3XF. It’s also still a strong region for DP 1646 B2XF.” 
  • “In the Mid-South, we saw consistent performance from varieties like DP 2012 B3XF, DP 2020 B3XF, DP 2038 B3XF, and DP 2127 B3XF. We also had some limited exposure in this region to DP 2239 B3XF, which should also be a good fit for Coastal and South Texas.”
  • “In East and South Texas, some of the same varieties keep coming up. DP 2020 B3XF, DP 2012 B3XF, and DP 2239 B3XF are outstanding varieties that growers should look at for 2023, not only because of their consistency but because of the grades and fiber quality that growers are seeking.”  
  • “On the High Plains of Texas where water is our most limiting factor, varieties from our DryTough program tend to have a good fit. DP 2044 B3XF and DP 1822 XF continue to perform on a lot of acres there. Across West Texas, some of our older varieties are being quickly replaced by newer varieties like DP 2239 B3XF and DP 2123 B3XF, which look like they’re going to be some of those go-to varieties for that area.” 

Best also highlighted the performance of two varieties that offer resistance for root knot and reniform nematodes – DP 2141 NRB3XF for the Southeast and other areas east of Texas, and DP 2143 NRB3XF for nematode management on West Texas acres.  

In addition, Deltapine included two varieties featuring the ThryvOn insect technology in stewarded field tests in 2022 – DP 2131 B3TXF and DP 2211 B3TXF.  

“Both look very promising when it comes to delivering the strong vigor, high quality, and yields that growers demand,” says Best. Since final registrations for ThryvOn are still pending, stewarded testing with growers is likely for 2023. But additional ThryvOn varieties may be included in the Class of ’23, which will be announced in December. 

“Keep in mind that some of our older varieties that we’re working to replace really set the standards for yield and fiber quality pretty high,” notes Best. “We have a lot of options in the Class of ’21 and Class of ’22 that show that same consistency in yield and grades across all of the different regions, and we’re looking forward to seeing how the Class of ’23 shapes up.”